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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Way Back Wednesday (sort of...)
CHECK IT PEOPLE! I know I didn't disappoint. This is from my Little Orphan Annie tap routine circa 1981-1982. I remember the wig being very itchy and hot. Is that a pose or what?

And from the same recital, here was my ballet costume. Much more tame, and not nearly as fun.

My dad was unable to find the photo of the bear costume. Rats. It's good. Maybe better than the Annie costume. Hmmmm, maybe I'll have to go on the prowl for that one.

Tammy, PK is on her way back to you. Kami, there wasn't any good food last night :( Only free soup from The Soup Peddler since he's a sponsor. Very disappointing.


Blogger Tammy said...

First, bitches!

Blogger Tammy said...

That little orphan Annie costume rocks! I hope you saved it so you can give it your little girl one day.

Thank you so much for sending PK back to me. 2 days is about all I can handle. Co-dependant, much?

You have got to be kidding me! Love the little orphan annie costume. That picture is priceless!

Blogger Melanie said...

That is a classic! I love it.

Blogger Kami said...


OMG. I love those pictures of you!

Blogger zuhn said...

I wish I had tame ballet costumes like yours. One year they dressed us up as French maids. I think I was 6 years old.

Blogger Rhonda said...

OMG!!! I am pretty sure you win first place. That is a riot!!!!

Blogger Unknown said...

Its a hard knock life! :)

Blogger Lisa said...

Those were the most ADOREABLE photos! Awwww..... Loved em! My little man loved them too. He wanted to know who you were!

Blogger Kelly said...

LMAO! What ever happened to that wig?

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Holy shit. That is some hair.

Blogger Kat said...

Holy bejeezus!!! That costume is hillarious!!!!!! I think it might be a serious tie between you and Dunkin. :)

Blogger Danielle said...

Oh my! Too funny!

Blogger Me said...


Yeah. Just OMGosh. LOL.

Blogger pack of 2 said...

cute pictures Nap Queen:)


Blogger Lori said...

Holy crap! I can't believe all the good WBW stuff I missed. I think you win!

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Oh my goodness! You weren't kidding when you said you had the best WBW pic!!
Love it.

Blogger Mama Duck said...

Oh my goodness...that is so cute! Were you little red riding hood or part of Captain and Tenille?

Blogger Isabel said...

Those are pretty much the best pictures ever!

And that wig...is awesome.

Blogger Unknown said...

HOLY CRAP...the first time I saw this post the Annie picture didn't come up.


Thanks for the laugh.

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