Why, God, why are we still being punished by having to see, hear, or deal with this woman? I found this photo on E! Online and was reminded how much I dislike her. I think she's a clear example of someone with talent, but is so annoying I can't stand anything about her, including her voice.

What talent?
Does she do anything but party? That is all I ever hear about her!
I agree,
I am not agreeing on the talent part either!
I so cant stand her! Blah!
She does have nice legs.. thats talent I guess.
I absolutely can not stand to even look at her. She is so very gross. UGH!
Good call, Nappy.
Amen! She is gross.
I'm with you...that lady sucks. She's totally crazy and lives in her own little world where people keep telling her how hot she is.
She is not hot.
Hi! It's "delurking week," so I'm commenting on all of my "usual" blogs...Unfortunately, I don't have anything witty to say about Mariah...except that I think she should take her boatloads of money (from when she was still "in") and RETIRE!!
Thanks for having such a fun and entertaining blog!
I agree with you. I do like some of her music, but sometimes she acts like a 13 year old. Whenever I see her on tv I quickly change the channel. It's like hearing finger nails on the chalk board
Yeah, she is a tad scary. I bought her new CD anyway. I know I know. Schedule an intervention.
AMEN! My husband describes her singing as "screaming!" Eee gads!
I can't stand her either. You should go to www.Celebritysmack.com -- Spicey Pants (the woman who started the site) HATES MC. SHe's got some pics posted of her that you'd get a kick out of.
I do think she has an amazing voice. However she is one sandwich short of a picnic. Did you see her on Cribs?!! She was NOT right.
She is a porn star who does music. Eventually she will find her true calling and the dolphins will stop crying.
Agreed all around here. I never did get the ordeal with her.
Big tits and a nice ass or something...
I am a proud member of the "I hate Mariah Carey Anti-Fan Group"
I used to think she was hot, but then I hear her speak. Kinda ruined it for me, that, and those boots.
I agree - skank :)
I HATE her!!!!!
Oh she IS so annoying!!
That woman should be shot. I still think she's a talentless mushy boobed ho walking around. Sorry, was that harsh?
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