
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Oh Holy Hell
So our dishwasher started making a funny noise tonight, and as I was looking at it, I noticed a stream of water flowing out from under the cabinets (never you mind about the boxes on the right hand side of the photo. I'm in the process of organizing).Nice. I turned off the dishwasher, but the water continued to flow, and I could hear the sound of running water coming from under the sink. Oh crap. I looked under and sure enough water was flowing from the wall down under the cabinets. We deduced that our hot water pipe burst, so we're going to have to call out a plumber first thing Sunday morning to confirm or deny our suspicions. I'm sure THAT'S going to be cheap. I suppose it would be nice if insurance had to pay for new cabinets and new flooring.......TKW, you'd be soooo jealous wouldn't you?


Blogger Sarcomical said...

ugh. home improvement issues. not fun.

i feel for you.

Blogger Karla May said...

Just wanted to say I linked to your blog via a comment on "Up From Sloth" and am enjoying it very much. If you want to read about some of my home improvemt fun, be my guest. None of it is ever fun--the stuff you plan for, and the stuff you don't...

Keep up the blogging!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Oh ick. No fun

Oh my that stinks. I hope that you atleast get new cabinets and flooring out of this mess!

Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Oh my goodness! that sucks.

Blogger charles blunt said...

You have to look at the bright side . Your floors are getting a good wash job .Your favorite plumber will love you because he can really sock it to you for a Sunday call .Or maybe thats not the bright side for you .Well anyway good luck .

Blogger Unknown said...


You're now making me get hives thinking about our recent decision to put wood in the new kitchen....


Blogger pack of 2 said...

Oh hell..I hope you get that fixed & it doesn't drain you. Our computer crapped out so we had to lay down a wad of cash for a new one...I hate that!


Blogger Lisa said...

That seriously sucks. I am so sorry to hear that.

Blogger Lucky Lum said...

Oh crap!
I hate when shit happens unexpectantly.

Blogger Melanie said...

That sucks. Just sucks. Good luck.

Blogger Kami said...

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