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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Okay SFG, You WIN!
So after some gentle hints from SFG in my comments, I will post about my wonderful trip to the beach and some other stuff. We left for the coast last Wednesday and got back on Sunday. We had a great time, it was a tad cold, but it was relaxing and I didn't want to come home, except to see my dogs. So here's the trip in pictures:

So this was our condo which was FREE. Yeah, as in we only paid $40 to have it cleaned:

Here are some from our first walk on the beach. It was freezing!

And here's a good sunset for you:

We ate entirely too much fried fish and hushpuppies. YUM. I feel like I gained 10 pounds in 5 days.

Within an hour of getting home, one of our cats was dragging her back leg around and it was obviously hurting pretty badly, so it was off to the emergency vet we went. Turns out she tore her ACL (ligament in her "knee"), and I thought she was going to need surgery. The vet said that these injuries in cats often heal on their own, so we're waiting a month to see if she starts to use it more, and in the meantime, she's on pain meds. Poor cutie pie. They told me she's fat, and that can contibute to her condition. Oh, and our male dog LOVES this cat. He follows her around, but he won't look her in the eye. Can you see him cowering from the love??:

And last, but certainly NOT least, when I went through the mail, I had a surprise package from Shell! I tore into it, and this is what I saw!

OMG, she is amazing! I haven't even emailed her to thank her yet for the birthday/new job gift. I LOVE it. The stones are gorgous and I only wear silver, so it's perfect :)

That's about all I have going on. Let me know what you are up to!


Blogger Me said...

FREE CONDO?? Where do I sign up??


Blogger SuburbanMom said...

Very cool. Thanks for sharing all the photos.

That necklace is beautiful!

Glad you had a nice time away and score it was Free! Yea!

Blogger Kami said...

Ooooh, that necklace is GORGEOUS!!!

Such pretty pictures!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh looks like a gorgeous, relaxing trip. The necklace rocks. Ha. Yay. Glad you had a great time!!

Blogger Unknown said...

Beautiful jewels!

LOVE the kiss at the beach shot!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl...I shoulda sent that necklace earlier so you could have worn it at the beach. It kinda looks like a sand color in that pic.

And just how did you get a free condo you lucky duck?

Blogger Kat said...

Glad ya'll had fun!

Poor kitty! Silly doggie!:)

Blogger Kelly said...

Sounds perfect! Things have been going very well for you these days - I'm so happy for you!

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Shell is the best, no?

I still have to take pics of the bad ass rosary (should one say bad ass rosary??? whatever) she sent me. It's beautiful.

Yes, I am a giant pain in the bootay if I check on my fave blogs and no news. Just ask Nicole.

Poor kitty. I love that the dog knows his rightful place in the animal hierarchy. That's classic.

Blogger Lori said...

That is a truly fantastic photo of you guys. I love it! So artistic!

Blogger Norman said...

Cool pics!

Glad you're liking the new job! Did I mention that I will be moving down near your neck of the woods!! (San Antonio!)

Hey - what's the third picture? I can't figure out what it is!


Blogger The Old Lady said...

Any beach vacation, cold or hot, is an amazing gift from God! Coming home to an amazing necklace and added bonus!

Blogger Lisa said...

What a great trip. SOrry to hear about your kitty cat.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

There IS no such thing as too much fried fish and hushpuppies. Nor shrimp. Nor french fries. Did I leave anything out?

Blogger Elizabeth said...

You are gonna make me stalk you again to get you to post, huh?

Blogger Unknown said...

Jeezus, where in the hell are you?

Blogger Elizabeth said...

Not for nuthin, but it's the 12th.


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