By now, most of you know that I'm doing this bike ride thing in a little over a week. I'm not actually nervous about the ride at all. I feel like I'm in decent enough shape, I have trained hard and I'm ready. Here's what I haven't told you. About a month ago, the ride director (who is one of the most amazing people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting) emailed me and my sister and asked us if we would join him in a radio and TV spot for the ride.
Just us. Out of hundreds of people, he asked us.
I almost puked when I read his email.
I was so incredibly flattered, but my first reaction was HELL NO. I mean why me? I don't do the organized training rides (we train on our own), nor do I come to all the planned events. I don't get why he would want me to be on the radio. I'm not a stellar speaker in any sense.
My sister and I thought it over. She stepped up and decided that she would do the TV spot, so by process of elimination, I agreed to do the radio spot.
The TV spot got cancelled. The radio spot is tomorrow.
I'm having that sick feeling I used to get before an oral report in elementary school. That horrible feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. The HOPE that:
"Maybe I'll get sick and won't have to go to school!" (I never get sick.)
"Maybe this time the teacher won't go alphabetically!" (I'm an "A" in the alphabet.)
"Maybe I'll need a root canal and won't be able to talk!" (I've never had a cavity.)
I am seriously nervous. I actually said to myself (internal monologue, mind you), "You are smart and funny and people like you. Just be yourself, and you'll be fine." Damn Stewart Smalley. It HAS helped though. I just have to be myself and answer some questions about this ride. I know why it's important and why I want to do it. Doesn't sound hard when you look at it from a rational, logical point of view. Problem is, I'm not always rational and logical, and worry almost never is.
So, if you live in Austin, and you hear me on the radio tomorrow (Mix, Majic or The Beat), and I'm totally terrible, please lie and say I was wonderful. I don't want constructive criticism on this one.